The Risk Management team:
Administers the Self-Insurance and Commercial Insurance programs for the University
Oversees the investigation of all insurance claims and suits
Monitors for compliance with risk management policies and procedures University wide
Acts as advisors and as a resource for the University, its different schools, and affiliates in situations relating to exposure, risk, and insurance
In order to protect the interests of the University and the Trustees of Boston College, certain minimum insurance limits should be required of, and provided by, all Lessees, Contractors, Vendors, and other persons or organizations who use or provide service to the University. Note, Vendor/Contractor requirements may vary depending on contract and services performed and the Vendor/Contractor should look to the contract for actual requirements. These guidelines are for the majority of contracts but are by no means exhaustive or complete for all projects.
These minimum requirements are used to safeguard the institution and to protect the financial interests of the University should a loss occur on Boston College grounds through no fault of the school but caused by a Contractor, Vendor or other entity using the schools' facilities.
The purpose of this is to obtain assurance that the Contractor, Vendor or other party will have the financial capacity (insurance funds) to back up the promise and/or commitments made in the Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreements.
As such, all vendors, contractors and other parties using the University’s facilities shall, at their own expense, procure and maintain current policies of insurance that protect its own interests and the interests of the Trustees of Boston College, its Officers, Directors and Employees, et al. against all liabilities, losses, damages, claims, settlements and expenses (including court costs and attorney fees) arising out of or resulting from their actions.
The following are minimum standards that must be provided:
- Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (WC & EL) for its own employees that meet statutory limits; Employers Liability Insurance to cover bodily injury claims up to $1,000,000 per person, per claim. Further, policies must provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of Trustees of Boston College, et al.
- Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for personal/bodily injury (including death) and property damage claims up to $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate.
- Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance (including coverage for all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles) with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per accident.
- Umbrella Excess Liability Insurance to cover all liability risks (Except Workers' Compensation), including defense costs, in the amount of $5,000,000 that must follow form of underlying Employers, General and Automobile Liability Insurance policies.
If applicable:
- Sexual Abuse/Molestation Coverage to provide coverage for allegations of "wrongful acts" or negligence should an injury occur as a result of sexual abuse, including claims alleging wrongful acts with respect to: negligent employment, retention, supervision, investigation, reporting and failing to protect someone from sexual abuse in the amount of $1MM. This coverage can be included in General Liability policy but must state so on certificate.
- Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance for professional exposures not covered by a General Liability Policy in an amount of $1,000,000.
- Cyber Liability Insurance for exposures due to Data Breach, phishing, intrusion, etc. in the amount of $1,000,000.
Vendor, Contractor and any other Subcontractor or other Organization shall confirm "the insurance identified above is to be primary and non-contributory to any other insurance" and include “Trustees of Boston College, their Officers, Directors and Employees” as additional insureds on these policies and shall furnish Boston College with current Certificates of Insurance that provide for thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Boston College in case of cancellation of or material change to the policy limits or coverage stated. Certificate and notices shall be sent to:
Trustees of Boston College
Attn: Risk Management
St. Clements Hall, Room 108
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill MA 02467
If you have questions, please contact Mary Magre at 617-552-2040 or
Mary Magre
University Risk Manager
Patricia Sullivan
Assistant Risk Manager